Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Our new Rocket Buddies

In Autahi, we are always looking for new ways to practise and enjoy our reading. 

We are very lucky to have the help of our Rocket Buddies from Tautoru. They come into class after Morning Tea to read stories and poems with us. Sharing with a buddy helps to build our reading confidence - and it's great fun, too.

Our Big Buddies also help us to learn our Rocket Words. Practising them every day improves our reading and our writing. 

This week, our Rocket Buddies have paired up with new Autahi buddies for Term 4. We are getting to know each other, learning our Rocket Words and enjoying sharing books together.

It's great to have the chance to connect with children from Tautoru, make new friends and share our books. 

Ka rawe, Big Buddies! Thanks for all your help.

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

We are SunSmart!

Now that we are into Term 4, the days are (mostly!) getting sunnier. We are able to enjoy even more opportunities to get outdoors during the school day.

In Terms 1 and 4, children at Worser Bay School must wear a hat that shades their face, ears and neck when outdoors. 

UV (ultraviolet) levels in New Zealand are particularly high, even on cloudy days. The face and neck are the most common places to get sunburnt, so it makes sense to slap on a hat. Bucket hats are particularly good for giving all-round coverage. We also suggest that children apply sunblock before coming to school each morning, and provide sunblock in every classroom.

During Terms 1 and 4, children without hats will be asked by duty teachers to stay under cover or in the shade during playtimes. So for maximum fun at Lunchtime and Morning Tea, please pack a hat.

It's great to see so many Autahi children remembering to bring a hat this week. Even our Lego men have brought their hats!

You might even want to consider leaving a hat at school. That way, it will always be here and there is no chance of forgetting to bring it. Have fun out there!

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Obstacle Course

As part of our athletics morning on Tuesday, we had to do an obstacle course. 
Part of it was easy as we have done some of these things many times. 

Other parts of it were challenging for some of us. 

The climbing wall was a real challenge - it was high, steep and we have to use both our hands and feet to pull us over the top. 
We had to use our Growth Mindset to overcome our fears!

How can we look after our school environment?

As part of our inquiry we are thinking about how we can make improvements to our school environment. 
We are up to the sorting and creating part of our inquiry cycle.

We decided that we needed to ask some experts, so we invited Adam and Mitchell (who are year 6's) to come and give us some advice. Adam and Mitchell are part of Worser Bay School's environmental group.

They were very helpful with their suggestions about how we could make some improvements around our school, and how we could use the bigger kids to help us.

We though about the Tui's we have in our garden outside our classroom. 
If we didn't have any flowering plants and trees, would there be any Tui's? 

We decided that we could be the kaitiaki of the garden boxes outside by the sandpit. 
What would we need to plant in our garden?
What would they look like?


These are some of our ideas, what do you think?

Friday, 18 October 2019


This week we have been exploring patterns. We made some patterns with our bodies and learned that patterns need to repeat. Check out some of the patterns that we made using these trains. Can you see what the patterns we have made are?

Welcome back

We are back into the swing of things in Autahi this week.

We sang songs at Kapa Haka

Went looking for patterns around our school

Started a new challenge to play with a new person every day to move up the mountain

We are all so excited to be back at school and diving straight into our learning.
Keep checking into the blog over the term as we showcase lots of the things we are doing around the classroom and get a closer look at some of the amazing activities we have coming up.