Our new Rocket Buddies
In Autahi, we are always looking for new ways to practise and enjoy our reading.
We are very lucky to have the help of our Rocket Buddies from Tautoru. They come into class after Morning Tea to read stories and poems with us. Sharing with a buddy helps to build our reading confidence - and it's great fun, too.
Our Big Buddies also help us to learn our Rocket Words. Practising them every day improves our reading and our writing.
This week, our Rocket Buddies have paired up with new Autahi buddies for Term 4. We are getting to know each other, learning our Rocket Words and enjoying sharing books together.
It's great to have the chance to connect with children from Tautoru, make new friends and share our books.
Ka rawe, Big Buddies! Thanks for all your help.