100 Days of School
This week in Autahi we celebrated 100 days of learning at Worser Bay School. Part of our daily routine is called Calendar Maths and it involves learning days of the week, months and counting how many days we have been at school. For many of our learners 100 days seems like a very long time and we could reflect on just how far they have come in that time.
Our classroom transformed with some balloons and decorations, the look on some of the children's faces was truly amazing as they wondered at the brand new look.
With many 100 themed activities to explore, the children got to dive deep into the idea of 100. One of our favourite activities is baking and we all had a turn at helping to bake some celebratory cupcakes to share.
We are looking forward to our next 100 days at school and seeing what new adventures in learning we can achieve.