Friday 13 September 2024

The Big Night of the Show

 This week we celebrated our learning through the performing arts at our annual Worser Bay School Arts Celebration. 

In the lead up we showed some of our work leading up to the big night and I encourage you to go back and read into those posts.

Some of the children reflected that they had felt scared about performing for others but were proud of themselves for giving it a try. We talked about the Strength of Bravery and how sometimes we use Bravery to feel the fear but do it anyway. A good lesson for us all about taking risks and giving things a go.

Here are some pictures of our Autahi performers.

Act 1 - Te Ika a Māui

Act 2 - The Three Taniwha

Act 3 - Breaking the Jawbone and the Spirit of Whataitai

We hope that you enjoyed our show!

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Arts Celebration: behind the scenes!


We're just days away from the Arts Celebration and Autahi is practising hard to make sure we know all our moves!

Our presentation brings together many strands of learning and creating. It has grown out of the deep learning we have done about our local story of Ngake and Whātaitai. We have also been building our musical skills, learning about rhythm, dynamics and playing as part of a group so that we can perform and record a soundscape. More recently, we have spent time working on our movement and performance skills so that we can bring the story to life for our audience.

Here is a sneak peak behind the scenes at the Autahi rehearsal studio. We hope you will enjoy seeing the serious fun we have had putting our part of the Arts Celebration show together. We are excited to share it with you!

Poised to record part of our soundscape.

Thanks to Vigo, who shared his drumming skills with us and helped us keep the beat.

Ngake preparing to bust through the jawbone of the fish.

The jawbone of the fish, full of kaha!

The Whātaitai group working on springing up as the great fish spits them out of his throat!

Working out our choreography and practising moving as a group.

The jawbone of the fish.

Māui and his brothers haul up Te Ika-a-Māui. Heave!