Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Playing with Fabric

Image result for play quotes peter grayDuring Discovery Time this afternoon we put out some fabric. We have noticed quite a few children with a fascination for cutting material (notably their own clothing!) To help them explore this urge in a healthy way we pulled out the bits of fabric from the cupboard and a fabulous afternoon of cutting and creating developed.

There were enormous amounts of problem-solving and experimenting happening, not to mention the development and practice of the fine motor skills of cutting, folding and gluing. Most of us worked on our own creations but some of us also developed some fantastic cooperative skills working as a team. 

How will I make my dress stay on my body? Can I make these pieces stick together?

Some of you wanted to make clothes or beds for your toys at home. And some of you were making yourselves costumes or clothes. We wonder if all of our clothes will stay together? Will the glue and cellotape be enough to hold them together? What else could we use?


 Some of you wanted to be superheros, with masks. Who is that behind the mask? 


Some of us also wanted to make masks, after reading a story about them this morning, so we also had a fabulous mask table on the go.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016


We have been reading the Rainbow Fish stories and exploring the idea of friendship.  We discussed what it means to be a good friend.  Some of the ideas we have are that being a good friend means sharing, looking after each other, standing up for one another, being kind, friendly and inclusive and lastly being nice.  We are very good friends in Autahi.
Here are our own Rainbow Fish and our writing about what being a good friend means to us.

More Measuring Fun

We have been exploring measuring using non-standard units. First we used small objects and we measured little things like whiteboard pens, notebooks and staplers. This week we used bigger objects and measured bigger things. We measured how tall we were. We measured our school bags. We also measured the computers. To measure these bigger items we had to use bigger units. This time we used pipe cleaners, cotton buds and ice-block sticks.

Friday, 18 November 2016

Koru Exploration

We spent a day exploring the shape of the koru. We first looked at images of the koru as it appears in nature. We noticed how it had one large koru and then often smaller koru within this. We spent some time observing closely, watching video clips of ferns unfurling and doing observational drawings.

Then we made a stencil from cardboard, cut it out and then made koru pattern strips.



At Transition today some of us read the story The Rainbow Fish and we talked about what a good friend is.  Some of the things we came up with was that good friends are kind, they share, they look after each other and they are nice.  Then we made our own Rainbow Fish and did some writing! Have a look!

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Pixelhouse Reader Week 6: Weather

 The story I am reading this week is called: Weather
Here are some suggested activities you can do with me at home. There is no specific order.  Pick and choose and remember to keep it fun!
This story is all about what you can hear. Talk about what you can hear in different types of weather. What is you favourite sound?
Follow the link to the book and create your own log in. Then you can read the stories each week at home with us. Here is the link:
Make a rainmaker. Follow the picture prompts online to make your own musical instrument at home. You could paint it and test putting different things inside to see if it makes different sounds.  
Word Practise
Make up my own story
Here are the words in my book this week. Let’s practise making them in different ways. We could draw them, read them, colour them, make them with playdough, magnet letters or any other creative way you can think of!
This is the cover of the story I am reading this week.  Let’s make up our own story to go along with it and we can tell it to each other.  You can help me write it if I want it written down. You can also use the write section online if you like.
Rocket Words
   Let’s practise my rocket words and alphabet in my rocket.  We can find them in stories, write them with chalk, draw them with our fingers in flour, build them with Lego.  Let’s make it fun!

This is the ABC song we sing at school.  We are learning the names of the letters, the capitals and lower cases, the sounds they make and a word that starts with that letter. Search “A is for Apple” on youtube or click on the link
Let’s practise by singing, finding letters, writing and decorating them, finding pictures of things that start with those letters or any other fun way you can think of!

Treasure Island Fair

A huge "Thank You" to our wonderful Worser Bay community for helping us to make this an amazing event!

WBS Fair 2016 Children's Movie Trailer