Thursday 30 September 2021

Arts Celebration 2021

 This week we celebrated our annual celebration of The Arts at Worser Bay School. In Autahi we had been working towards a self portrait and seeing ourselves as artists. One of the important first steps in any artistic endeavour is understanding yourself as an artist and that your work will look different from other artists. Instead of thinking 'My work isn't as good as someone else' we were learning to say 'That was the best picture of a face that I can do'. 

Changing the language we use as artists really helped us to work on our own pieces without having to worry about what everyone else was doing.

The other key aspect of our art was thinking about the shapes we can see in our art. We always started by adding the biggest shapes first then adding detail on top. Some of the faces have a line through the middle that we used as a mid line. This helped us notice which of our features go above or below the line.

We hope you enjoyed viewing the Art as much as we enjoyed making it.  

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