Thursday 30 May 2024

Descriptive Writing


The firebird has truely become a source of inspiration for the learning in Autahi over the past few weeks.

Based on the ballet and orchestral piece created by Igor Stravinsky, we have been learning about the story and how the music adds to creating new aspects to the experience. 

We started by looking at picture of the Firebird to inspire us and then had a go at using our own imaginations to draw what we thought the Firebird might have looked like.

This in turn inspired our writing. We wrote descriptions of what we thought we would see when we looked at the Firebird. Some of our learner will even share them with the rest of the school in our Assembly item this week.

The connections between the visual arts and writing helps us learn to capture our creativity in different ways. We can paint a picture with paints and also with words.

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