Thursday 15 August 2024

Creativity and Imagination

 Recently I was listening to a podcast around creativity and imagination at schools that talked about how children often start their journey at schools from Early childhood to primary with lots of curiosity about the world around them.

As we grow up we are constantly encountering new things in the world around us. Without the skills to access the information we need, our brains dip into the world of imagination to fill in the gaps. 

Fostering this imagination is a spark for creativity and risk-taking as we work to find ways of finding out about phenomena in the world. 

Our days are full of sharing stories about what the children know already and helping to provide them with the kinds of skills they will need to access the learning they want to pursue. 

One of the things I love to do is tell stories and use that as a way of sharing an aspect of creativity. The children know that the stories are made up but that they can still be enjoyable as we go along for the ride.

Creativity can be expressed as so many ways. Drawing, acting and storytelling are just drops in the bucket. I encourage you to find your own creative outlet and share that with the little ones around you. Keeping the flame of creativity and imagination alive takes work but can be lots of fun when we share our creativity with each other.

For any who are interested in learning more, here is a link to the RNZ podcast.

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