Sunday 26 April 2020

Numbers all around me!

Have you ever looked carefully to see just how many numbers you can find at home and out on the street?

Numbers are all around us. Hunting for numbers at home or on a walk is a great way to practice counting and reading them.

This week, I tried to find the numbers from 0 to 10 while out on my usual walk. Soon, I was spotting numbers on houses, cars, signs and even painted on the road. I started taking photos. My walk took me about twice as long as usual - and was lots of fun.

Here are my numbers from 0 to 10. Can you figure out where I found each one?


Now it's over to you. What numbers can you find in your home or on your next walk with your family? Can you find your age? Your birthday? Another house with the same number as yours? See if you can spot the numbers from 0 to 10, or perhaps more.

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