Monday 3 July 2017

Process not Product

As usual we have a huge supply of cardboard boxes and the creativity and making never stops.  
Here are people working together and using materials to create their own designs.  They come up with their own ideas, get the materials they need and work with each other and on their own cutting, taping and creating.  As they go, they are learning what things work and what they need to change, they are working on their fine motor skills and their team work.  The end product is almost irrelevant, because it is the process itself that teaches them along the way.  They see that the amount of effort they put into something matters, that they can do things and create things on their own and that they can rely on each other for help. They are building resilience and practising growth mindset as they work!

More Preparing for the Arts Celebration has also been in full effect! 
Here we are adorning the Windows into our World! Who doesn't love a little sparkle?

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