Tuesday 29 August 2023

Fun Facts!


In Maths this week, we're working on our Basic Facts. Having quick recall of basic facts helps speed along calculations and support number sense. We start to build our students' recall of Basic Facts in Autahi. For us, this includes doubles and addition pairs to 10, 20 and beyond. 

Doubles are pairs of the same number such as 2 + 2 or 4 + 4. We learn doubles to 5, then 10. Fingers are a really helpful for learning doubles to 5.

Addition pairs include number bonds to 10 (all the pairings of numbers that make 10, such as 2 + 8, 6 + 4, 3 + 7) and 20. We also practise other addition pairings within 10 and 20. With practise, our students are able to recall many of these facts straight away, without having to do a calculation.

There are plenty of fun ways to learn these valuable facts. This week, we have been introducing our students to a variety of basic facts activities and games. We will be using these to build their basic facts recall over the next couple of weeks.

Ask your child about the games they've been playing and the facts they're learning. There are many easy ways to support their learning by practising these skills at home, too (quizzing doubles or number bonds makes those long car journeys or the walk to school fly by!). Here is our Games With Playing Cards blog, a useful source of simple maths games using a regular pack of playing cards. Enjoy!

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